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High-Purity Impregnation Pitch

High-Purity Impregnation Pitch

The Current Capacity : 10000 t/a
Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
The Current Capacity : 10000 t/a
Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
Physical and Chemical Specification: Softening Point: 85-90oC ,Ash≤ 500ppm, Coking Value: ≥48%, Toluene Insoluble: ≥18%, Quinoline Insoluble: ≤0.5%
Application Area: It is mainly used for impregnating for big format high power and ultra high power graphite electrode, to increase density and decrease resistivity, in addition it can also used for impregnating for carbon/carbon composite and carbon fibre, used as the high quality pitch raw material for needle coke and general grad carbon fibre production.
?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Add:No.99 Rencheng Avenue,Jining,Shandong
Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
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